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Commodore Vic-20 Computer and accessories - 1982


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While the price might seem a little high for a Vic-20, you won't believe all the items included. This was a programmer's first learning computer and it shows! We have the original box, in fair condition, the Vic-20 computer itself, the power supply and TV adapter, a new adapter that allows you to attach it to a modern coax TV connection, the data cassette drive, a 6 port slot expander, nine cartridges including games, memory expansions and programming tools, memory maps, cartridge manuals, and three books on programming the Vic. There's also a Protecto Enterprises Vic/C64 catalog and a Commodore 64 brochure. As with so many of our items, you could break this up and triple your money, but that would be a shame. If you want a working "vintage" computer, this is the one to get!
  • Model: Elec-Vic20-1982-Good
  • 0 Units in Stock

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